Would you beleave that Christianity has many denominations? Care to take a guess at how many are followers of Christianity are their? Their are 2 billion followers of Christianity world to day. Most of them are in the United States today.
How Christianity was Founded
It was founded by Jesus of Nazareth in 33 A.D. In the city of Palestine. In this religion they only beleave in one god his is Jesus. Which means they do not serve any other god but him all their life.
Holy Book(s)/Sacred Text
In Christianity their is only one holy book they fellow. Its called the Holy Bible. It is made up of the Old and New Testament.
Now I am going to tell you about Christianity main religous holidays. The first one is Lent. Lent is when you, give up something for a certian amount of time. My next holiday is Epiphany. It is a christian holiday observed on January 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ. The next holiday they celeitbrate is Advent. Advent means "coming" or " arrival". The focus of this holiday is the birth of Jesus Christ. Also this is the day, that Jesus Christ was born. this holiday is called Christmas. My last holiday is Easter. Easter I think is the most important holiday of all. You herd of the reserrection of Jesus Christ. If you have not it is when Jesus was hanged on the crossed to die for sins so we can go to heaven. The reason why they called this holiday Easter is when Jesus Christ rose from the dead to be with us again.
In christianity you are not allowed to were caertin kinds of clothes. Like if your a guy your not allowed to wear shorts in public places like, to the mall or the store etc... If your a girl you are not allowed to wear low cut tops and girls must wear skirts below their knee. Last women can not cut their hair because its their glory.
Now I am going to tell you the order the church goes in. The first one is the Pope. He is the leader of the all the churches. Next comes the the Cardinal. He takes over for the Pope when he is gone. Last is the Priest. He is the leader of the church you belong to.
Christianity is the worlds largest religen. With more then a billion members world wide. A few things to remmber. Jesus found this religon when he was a adult. Last remeber dont give your values up for anther religion.